SugarFavor 112 members · 6 stories

Our favorite ponies, Sugar Belle and Party Favor. Both of these ponies is from the episode cutie markless, so I hope you enjoy the group about these two ponies.

Now start shipping them!

Rules: It's recommending that you read the rules so you know what can get you banned or get warnings

Welcome thread: The Welcome thread is where you can introduce yourself to the group or just talk

Image Thread: The Image thread is where you post images of sugar Belle and Party Favor together

List of Admins:
Ocean Stardust
Eris H Discordia

Comments ( 16 )
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395309 I know what I made

395302 I never made a ship of DD and PF

395274 no it wasn't it was double Diamond and night glide, last I checked DD was male, and NG was female

394226 Oh, really?

Please, do explain your reasoning. :pinkiesmile:

394428 Wait, they changed the ship on you?

On the other hoof, the Titanic sunk, mainly due to an overconfident and incompetent Captian giving ludicus orders, thus ramming the Ice-Berg, leading to the ship taking on too much water and sinking.
Certain serious crimes were commited at this point as well, as they locked in the majority of the passengers to a certain death as the ship sunk. Incientally the once on the lower decks, poorer people who paid less for the tickets.

394376 No idea, I just joined the group for the show. Or ship.
394377 That is another awsome ship, for another group, from what you said.
394378 Maybe you should create your own group based on that ship?

I should probably note that at the time of 394226's comment, this group was originally aimed for a different ship: Double Diamond x Night Glider.

394227 They look so cute together, now as they can fully realise their tallents.
They go together, kind of like Mr. and Mr's. Cake. Completing the set.
What would their little twon be without the two?

394226 That is extreamly bad management on the side of the Captain, he deserve to go down with the ship.

394223 I just may end up shipping as well. I love shipping. Even have a shipping line for my ships.

394222 Should be fun, both reading and writing.

394226 I don't really care

  • Viewing 1 - 16 of 16