• Member Since 18th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Sunday

Rainbow FlutterDash

"I was just thinking, maybe I was wrong before. Who cares if the stars are dead? As long as we can see them they're real to us. Right?" "Right." - Rachel Amber and Chloe Price.

Bio (where it should be.)

Hello Everypony!
I am a super-enthusiastic, slightly psychotic pegasister, here on this site to read and write about the best show on earth!
I am a crazy FlutterDash fan, and a most loyal servant to Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Luna of the Night.

Aside from MLP I'm obsessed with Life is Strange, the video game by DONTNOD, and it's prequel Before the Storm by Deck Nine.
I also like RariJack, OctaScratch, LyraBon and good ol' Twilight in general!
Love and Tolerate y'all!

PS: Just basic rule around me. DON'T ask me about Life is Strange unless you want me to sob and never shut up about it.
PPS: Despite all the contrary evidence, I actually identify as bi, not lesbian lol.

WARNING some of the gifs below contain spoilers.



I miss you · 10:12pm Apr 25th, 2023

I'm feeling nostalgia central today, I miss this place! :raritycry:

Anypony I know still around? How y'all doing?

Report Rainbow FlutterDash · 144 views ·


Non-Pony Stuff!

I actually like things other than ponies too!
Hella shippable. <3 <3

Misc Info:

Groups I'm an admin of:
scootaloo96 Fan Group

Stellar Bubbles Fan Club

Sky Melody Fan Group

Banner Vector Credits:

Mane Six: Hasbro/DHX
Chloe: Pinterest. Original artist unclear (will credit if anyone knows)
Max: Me
Rachel: https://www.deviantart.com/kaylinygo/art/Rachel-Amber-Blender-Cycles-704666054
Shepard: BioWare, edited by me
Aragorn: Source Unknown
Katniss: https://pngio.com/images/png-a1707208.html
Darth Vader: https://favpng.com/png_view/darth-vader-star-wars-battlefront-ii-anakin-skywalker-luke-skywalker-leia-organa-png/yLkzppPx
Gandalf: Source Unknown
Han and Leia: https://www.deviantart.com/camo-flauge/art/Han-Solo-Transparent-831100549 https://www.deviantart.com/camo-flauge/art/Princess-Leia-Organa-Transparent-831107351
Millennium Falcon: https://www.pngitem.com/middle/wihmbi_millennium-falcon-transparent-background-hd-png-download/
SSV Normandy SR2: Original artist unclear (will credit if anyone knows)
Executor: Source Unknown
DS-I Orbital Battle Station: http://clipart-library.com/clip-art/32-323130_star-wars-death-star-png-death-star-transparent.htm
Star Destroyers: Source Unknown
Reaper: Source Unknown
Art of Canterlot: https://imgur.com/LeWc3pK
Celestia Silhouette: https://spacecatsamba.com/
Luna Silhouette: https://spacecatsamba.com/

The others are either screenshots taken by me or parts of official art.

Most these vectors are licensed only under personal use, I'm not sure if this counts as personal use or not as I'm not making money off of it. But I will remove the image at the request of any of the original vector creators.

My Stories

Extended Bio

Hi! I'm Rainbow FlutterDash! I am pegasister and Life is Strange fan. I also like the Hunger Games and the Lord of the Rings.

I prefer when Equestria is portrayed more medieval/fantasy type, rather than 21st Century. I never read Alternate Universes, Crossovers, Human or Anthro and I have never watched Equestria Girls or it's sequels.

I write mostly romance stories, one-shots especially (for now.) I strive to live by the virtues that MLP:FiM teaches: Kindness, Honesty, Generosity, Laughter, Loyalty and Friendship.
Love and Tolerance friends!

Here's some basic info:

Nicknames: Flutters, Flutter, Dashie, Dash, FD, RFD, FlutterDash
Gender: Female
Personality Type: Too complex to be defined by four letters... XD

I've made a bunch of amazing friends on this site, including, but not limited to:
xStellar_Bubbles AKA "Bubbly" - My senpai, internet daughter and first friend on this site. Who is still one of my bestest friends and a wonderful FimFictioner. :D
FelineFluff AKA "Fluffy" - my internet little sis!!
Nagi-Muffin AKA "Nagi" - my other little internet sis!
Sky Blue CMC - A Good friend.
Sky Melody AKA "Aunty Sky" - My internet aunt by chance, and a good friend. :)
Rosegamer AKA "Rose" - A great friend. :D
anonymousjedi AKA "... Er..."
Subject 19 AKA "?"
MechBulborb187 AKA "Mechy"
Sleepy Panda AKA "Panda" A fun and likeable person.
Sunman145 AKA "..." - Another wonderful pal!
Jubilee Glider AKA ... um... Jubilee Glider - A fellow Luna fan whom I chat with a bunch.
Thunderbolt Sentinel AKA "Bolty" - A pal I chat to now and then, and a very logical and practical person I respect.

My Favourite Characters are: (Reasoning.)

#1: Chloe Price and Max Caulfield
#1: The Mane Six (EVERYPONY IS BEST PONY!!!)
#2: Princess Luna (She's so freaking AWESOME!!!)
#3: Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle (They're all SO CUTE!!!!!!!!)
#4: Spikey-Wikey (Spikey-Wikey!)
#5: Princess Celestia (Funny, beautiful, awesome and Luna's beloved sister.)
#6: Princes Cadence (Kind, cool and loving.)

My Least Favourites are:

#1: Discord (Annoying... and in it far too much.)
#2: Starlight Glimmer (Urgh... ruining the show.)
#3: Trixie (I don't hate her, she's just so overrated.)

Favourite Side Characters:

#1: Diamond Tiara (Always liked her, but now she's GOOD!)
#2: Maud Pie (She's awesome. XD)
#3: Babs Seed (I love her accent!)
#4: Daring Do (Also awesome. :P)
#5: Captain Spitfire (And again, awesome.)

Favourite Background Ponies:

#1: Octavia Melody (So beautiful and awesome, plus brilliant fanon character.)
#2: Lyra Heartstrings (Who IMO has nothing to do with hands or humans...)
#3: Vinyl Scratch AKA "DJ-P0N3" (Funny, cute, plus OctaScratch!!)
#4: Bon Bon (Who IMO, is NOT a secret agent...)
#5: Derpy Hooves (Because... Derpy Hooves!)

My favourite ships are:

#1: PriceField
#1: FLUTTERDASH! (ADORABLE and Believable.)
#2: RariJack (So hilarious and cute.)
#3: LyraBon (Obvious.)
#4: OctaScratch (Cute.)
#5: ScootaBelle (Cute!)
#6: TwiPie (Because I respect it's rightful place in the Holy Trihorse!)
#7: CheesePie (Deal + pretty cute!)
#8: TwiJack (Believable)
#9: DiamondGlider (Pretty cute)
#10: Derpy x Time Turner (Why not?)

My least favourites are:

#1: FlutterCord (Ewwww...)
#2: FlutterMac (They've close to never even met in the show!)
#3: SoarinDash (Seriously...)
#4: AppleDash (The two tomboys... CLICHE!)
#5: Anyone else with Dashie or Fluttershy. (ARGH!)
(Though I don't mind TwiFlutterDash... or whatever it's called.)

Favourite Villains:

#1: Queen Chrysalis (Evil but Believable, actually cares for something other than herself.)
#2: King Sombra (Evil and epic.)
#3: Nightmare Moon (Epic backstory.)
#4: Lord Tirek (Tolerably interesting.)
#5: Starlight Glimmer (She was a decent villain... at least...)

Favourite Episodes (Best Episodes ever!):
#1: Life is Strange Episode 2: Out of Time
#1: Crusaders of the Lost Mark (OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
#2 (Tied): Trade Ya! (FLUTTERDASH! and RariJack!)
Luna Eclipsed (Funny, and LUNA!)
#3: Friendship is Magic Part 1 (&2) (Nostalgic, Mane 6 meet for the first time.)
#4: Testing 1,2,3 (So funny...)
#5: Read it and Weep (HILARIOUS!)

Other good episodes:
#6: May the Best Pet Win (FlutterDash)
#7: Ticket Master (Hilarious, nostalgic.)
#8: Cutie Mark Chronicles (Cute... FlutterDash)
#9: A Canterlot Wedding (1&2) (Epic! + Cadence and Chrysalis.)
#10: Look Before You Sleep (RariJack)

Least Favourite Episodes (Unwatchable...):
#1: Princess Twilight Sparkle (1&2) (Discord)
#2: The Return of Harmony (1&2) (Discord)
#3: Twilight's Kingdom (1&2) (Discord and destruction the library)
#4: All other Discord and most Starlight Episodes (I haven't watched them, so I can't judge)
#5: Slice of Life (Stupid, headcanon-ruining bogus.)

Other dislikeable episodes:
#6: The Mysterious Mare Do Well (Reasons...)
#7: Boast Busters (Boring...)
#8: Feeling Pinkie Keen (Seeing is believing, not the other way.)
#9: Dragonshy (Anti-FlutterDash)
#10: Magic Duel (Also boring.)

Best fan made videos (that I've seen):
#1: Snowdrop (Obviously!)
#2: Fall of the Crystal Empire (Epic!)
#3: Children of the Night (beautiful and amazing)
#4: I am Octavia (so beautiful and heart wrenching.)
#5: A Day in Ponyville (lolololol!)

Best songs:
#1: Obstacles - Syd Matters
#1: The Pony I Want To Be/Reprise (OMG... So amazing.)
#2: Make This Castle a Home. (Especially the reprise, despite it's length)
#3: A True, True Friend (Tears every time...)
#4: We'll Make Our Mark (A Brilliant song and an amazing moment in the show)
#5: Luna's Future (OH-MY-LUNA!!!!! Epic Lunaness!)
#6: Celestia's Ballad (Beautiful piano... reflecting on first thee seasons... magical.)
#7: You'll Play Your Part (...So beautiful... and LUNA!)
#8: The Light of Your Cutie Mark (Sweet and fun)
#9: The Magic Inside (So beautiful.)
#10: Find A Pet (FlutterDash duet!)
#11: Art of the Dress (My old favourite)
#12: This Day Aria (Ahem... Disney?)
#13: Winter Wrap Up (Nostalgia...)
#14: The Laughter Song (Nostalgia...)
#15: Becoming Popular (Nostalgia...)
#16: The Smile Song (:D)
#17: I'll Fly (Rainbow solo also... ELECTRIC GUITAR OF AWESOMENESS!)
#18: I've Got to Find a Way (Beautiful)
#19: What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me (So catchy and funny)
#20: Pinkie's Lament (Sad, but also funny!)
#21: Pinkie the Party Planner (Couldn't think of anything else right now...)
#22: Hearts as Strong as Horses (My workout jam. XD)

Honorary mentions:
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic theme (Love it, plus so nostalgic)
- My Past is Not Today (Just... wow...)

Best fan made songs:
#1: Lullaby for a Princess (OMG this is the best song EVER! Other than Let it Go from Frozen...)
#2: So Much Left to Know - EileMonty cover (Such a perfect MLP song)
#3: I'm Proud to Be Brony - EileMonty cover (So amazing!)
#3: The Moon Rises - EileMonty cover (Pretty amazing)
#5: Luna Dream Mode - female cover (Also amazing)

Best ponyfied songs/animations:
#1: Do You Wanna See the Moonrise? (Frozen + Luna = AMAZING!)
#2: Children of the Night (Already said it was BEAUTIFUL!)
#3: I am Octavia (Also already said it was beautiful....)
#4: Angel of Darkness (So epic)
#5: Daylight Ends (Awesomeness)

Favourite Quotes:

From My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

"It's not the things that you gather 'round.""It's not how much you own.""The things that hold the meaning in your life, are the memories you've sown."
- Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity

From Make This Castle a Home which is in Castle Sweet Castle.

"Pinkie Pie, don't be ridiculous!" -Rarity
"Aww, but I'm so good at it!" - Pinkie Pie

From Fillili Vanilli

"Pinkie Pie! Stop giving him cake! - Twilight Sparkle."I'm not giving him cake! I'm assaulting him with cake! - Pinkie Pie.

From Secret of my Excess

"Twilight, not everypony gets all freaked out about tests like you." - Rainbow Dash.
"I do not get "all freaked out" about tests!" - Twilight Sparkle."Uh, seriously? Your freakouts are so epic, you sing whole freakout arias about freaking out." - Rainbow Dash.

From Testing 1,2,3.

"I hate to admit it to myself, and I would really hate to admit it to my friends, but... I love this story! I, I... I love reading! ... I'm an egghead!" - Rainbow Dash.

From Read It and Weep.

From fanfiction:

“Home is the one true place,” she whispered. “Because it's not really a place at all. It's a feeling. It's the memories you've made, the experiences you've shared with the one's closest to you." - Rarity

From One True Place

My Quotes:

"One does not simply not ship FlutterDash and Rarijack after watching Trade Ya!" - Me

From My Stories:

"I shouldn't be ashamed of loving you... I am not." - Bon-Bon to Lyra Heartstrings.

From "Best Friends" Anniversary Party.

From Other Things:

"I was just thinking. Maybe I was wrong before. Who cares if the stars are dead? As long as we can see them, that means they're real... to us. Right?" "Right." - Rachel Amber and Chloe Price

From Life is Strange: Before the Storm

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https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1017935/new-start Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.

Hey, excuse me. I'd like permission to add the FlutterDash gif on your profile to my page.

Haha, um, sure? I don't do anything here much anymore though

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