• Member Since 17th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 2nd, 2023

Tony Montana

Pat is love, Pat is life


Something Dear to Me · 1:58am Dec 31st, 2017

Right now, there is a collab in the Featured Box that I contributed to. It does cover a sensitive topic and one I had to deal with very recently.

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Comments ( 191 )
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Thanks for the follow! :yay:

Yays! Wait do I need to be introduced to your little friend? Also below is the Huge amount of info post.

Thank you for the follow! I hope you enjoy Curse of Silence, Dead Tree and Bone Daddy or Luna's Marehood :)

Please do drop upvotes on the ones you like and downvotes on the ones you hate! I like honesty in the comments, it helps me be a better writer.
Chapter 25 of Fallout Equestria Dead Tree is out finally! And 26 is going to be finished sometime today, out tomorrow.

New Story, very short one but something I'm proud of, will be coming out right behind it.

Traveling Pony Museum is publishing that one for me too, in hard back.

Come bug me on discord :)


Thanks for the follow! :heart:

Good man.

  • Viewing 187 - 191 of 191
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