• Member Since 15th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 13th, 2019

Iroh Legoman

US Navy Sailor, aka Iroh A. Boat

The Navy Life

Man has it been too long.
The Navy has me busy.
That's the Navy Life

least to say, i may have time to write, being internet free, but qualifications are a priority
we will see where time takes me

Words You Read


Blog? When? What? · 4:55am May 3rd, 2016

So.... I am making this because someone got back to me after i posted WIP chapter not long after I posted it.

So I will be even more dormant as I leave for the Navy May 24. Yes that time has come. 21 days from now.

thats all for now, i guess

When was the last time i posted? March 8th. Man i feel like its been forever.

Report Iroh Legoman · 534 views · Story: The Republic ·
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Thanks for following me. I greatly appreciate it and hope you enjoy some of the things I end up writing :D

Thanks for the fave, mate! Highly appreciated!

Thanks for the fav.

Thanks for the fave on Remembering Them. :twilightsmile:

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This is where you would see my favorites. That was before the update