• Member Since 30th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen January 26th


24 year old Mexican music composer. Writes fanfics on the side. On hiatus.

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Updates and information on what's the plan for the story updates in the future! · 7:10pm Sep 12th, 2020

Hello everypony/creature/one!

If you're reading this is means you're interested in knowing what is up with the updates and plans I have for Of a German and American soldier in Equestria, which I will be explaining shortly.

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How I think I'm writing...

What's actually happening...

Stories worth looking

What I do???

What I am working on for fimfiction:
-Re-reading the journalist to finish the final chapter(s),
-Re-reading of a german and american to continue writing it.

If you'd like to ask something music/story related don't hesitate to ask! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 76 )
  • Viewing 72 - 76 of 76

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!

Hey, thank you for the watch!^^
And awesome OC

  • Viewing 72 - 76 of 76
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