• Member Since 29th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Darth Redbeard

Morning in the yard

Theme for the Battle of Manehatten in Imperial Liberation of Equestria

For the USA

Welcome to Darth's page.

You'll find SpikeBelle stories and maybe a few others. Just depends.

Have a good day

My fleet (minus a few thousand ships and my flagship)

My Flagship

Dealing with the Empire

Comments ( 814 )
  • Viewing 805 - 814 of 814

Year hi so how is it going with you today and what are your plans for today too?

It's okay. I'm Wrex what's your name


Sorry about the delay. Been busy.

Thanks for the watch.

  • Viewing 805 - 814 of 814
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Early Memorial Day Video · 3:42am May 25th

A little history of the holiday and a moment of silence for those that were lost.

Report Darth Redbeard · 25 views ·

Future Story Ideas

List of planned stories and main couple for each one:

Equestria the Lost Nation (Story is getting worked on) (FlashLight)
The Pony King 2 Spike's Kingdom (SpikeBelle, OC and OC)
Flutterhantos (Fluttermac)
Caramelues (Caramel and Applejack)
Spiladdin (SpikeBelle)
Quest for Canterlot (PinkieBurn)
Applestatia (various couples I ship)
The Little Pegasus (SorainDash)
My own OC story (ending will be OC and Luna, but will include OC and OC couples. Warning, multiple Alicorns, not from Equestria
small romance stories leading up to A Great Day, including A FlashLight Story, A Day in the Orchard
Crimson Crown (Robin Hood Spoof)
Lennex Invasion of Equestria (will be Imperial Liberation from the Lennex Empire's view)
Laff-A-Lympics MLP version
To Reclaim Equestria (Adventure story)
To Help a Dragon
Life of a Guard
Equestria Girls; Spike's Story
Come back later for more stories.

Stories I'm writing