Alicorn OCs R Us 49 members · 35 stories

We've all seen those OCs before.
Those sad, sad beings that never deserved to be brought into existence, always regretting themselves for one reason:
Being Alicorns.
There needs to a place to store both the good and bad Alicorn OCs, where they can reside in their glory / awfulness.
That, from now on, will be here, Alicorn OCs R Us.

-Add stories to only one folder please.
-Don't spam stories that get in here for having a bad Alicorn OC.
-Don't add stories to the wrong folders. If the Alicorn OC isn't red and black, don't add it to that folder.
-Only add stories you wrote YOURSELF, not another member of the group, to the Alicorn OCs the Members Made folder.

-'Bad' Alicorn OCs: For the not-so-great ones.
-Good Alicorn OCs: For the great ones.
-REALLY Bad Alicorn OCs: For the even worse than bad ones that are too bad to be considered bad. Only contributors and admins can add to this one.
-Red and Black Alicorn OCs: Self-explanatory.
-Alicorn OCs the Members Made: For Alicorn OCs the members of the group made.

For people who are wondering, I spent a good 20 minutes making that banner in Microsoft Paint.

Comments ( 9 )
  • Viewing 1 - 9 of 9

376537 I'm pretty sure that they're too much of OP Mary Sues for that.

376334 They're beautiful...

The green guy is the leader. According to him, he's an alicorn so advanced that his wings are invisible.

Does that mean that we can assume all unicorns have invisible wings? I'm looking at you, best pony Rarity.

376321 If I writer can flesh the it out, alicorn OC can be good. I'm a strong believer of this.

Here, have a pile of evil alicorns.
The green guy is the leader. According to him, he's an alicorn so advanced that his wings are invisible.

Please don't take this post seriously.

376321 I know, that's why there's a folder for the good ones.

A character's quality has nothing to do with its race, and everything to do with the creator's skill. (Or lack thereof). :ajbemused:

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