If you like writing, but you enjoy taking your time and NOT spending 10 hours a day on it, put in this group.
Some people out there amazing writers, but just can't whip out good chapters in a day. This group is for all of you who take a month, 2 months, or even a YEAR to write a chapter.
You know your still writing, you just don't do it all the time. Your story isn't dead, it just hasn't updated in a while. But what does everything else think? Well... they panic if you haven't updated within 2 weeks.
Let them rest well by knowing your story is not, in fact, dead.
1) No mature
2) No 'complete' stories
If you enter a complete story, or finish a story, it will be removed from the group.
366742 fair point. I'm struggling to get motivated tbh
I have a story or two I want to add but I'll do it later
I'm getting an odd sense of Deja Vu.....
Solution: don't post chapter 1 until you've already written all of it.

Readers do appreciate daily chapter updates!
I have done nothing productive all week.
I am SO going to join and stay in this group... Tomorrow or maybe the day after that