• Member Since 11th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen Nov 2nd, 2023


As you can tell from my username, I'm a very hardcore "Fluttercord" shipper! I'm dedicated to only writing Fluttercord stories!!!

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I’m back to the land of the living! · 2:55am Mar 14th, 2023

Hello everyone!

So sorry for being MIA for the last year or 2. I’ve been taking online classes and I just made a big move from my home of 17 years to what now feels like the middle of nowhere lol.

I recently re watched the Season 9 premiere again to get a better idea of Sombra’s character since he now did and say more than he did in season 3 (I was just as shocked as everyone else at his voice. That voice doesn’t match him. What happened to his original VA?)

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Not yet. But, now that you bring it up, I’ll remove them.

But, I would like to know what folder you’d like each of your story to stay in.


Oh ok. Sorry about that. Did you remove any of them?

If I may say,

I saw your stories added to the folders. It’s okay to add them, but I will say that they can only be placed in one folder, not more than one.

Pick a folder that each story would fit into the most.

I realize now I should’ve also clarified that by making it a rule, so I immediately made it.

Thanks for the favorite!

  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
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