• Member Since 5th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 21st, 2021


I love fairytales, anime and a bit of an mlp fim fan. fluttercord is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. ^.^ Fluttershy is one my favorite ponies next to Discord.

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Season 9 Theory: Is Grogar Discord's Father? · 11:17pm Apr 6th, 2019

Hey everyone, after watching the season 9 premiere and being introduced to Grogar, an interesting theory emerged. Is Grogar Discord's father? Let me explain my reasoning. In the show, Grogar was once the Emperor of Equestria, long ago when it was just a few pastures and farmlands. Not only that, but he is known as the Father of Monsters, and is said to have given life to the foulest of creatures, allowing them to run wild to do as they pleased. So it's plausible to say that Discord was one of

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