Okay, new story idea! · 5:37pm Jan 2nd, 2021
So...I have an idea for a new story...Dunno if everyone's gonna like it, but here goes; Everypony thought their trouble were over when the legion of doom was turned to stone...But after it's discovered that the three have escaped with the help of an old villain (One I haven't used in a story before), the main six, Red Rose (My OC) and Discord have to stop them, once and for all this time. Pretty standard story idea, but I'm doing it based on a roleplay I did with a friend, and ships WILL be
Boop :3
Great! But let me say the first chapter: the beginning is very short but they get longer, and it might be a tiny bit cringy, I still need to work on my writing skills
Wow, that's incredible! I would love to take a look!
Again though, just a recommendation.
I know, I know...Anyways, your stories are so cute and don't make me cringe like some of my OWN stories, though maybe you could consider reading my story "A True Family"? this one I feel confident about. You don't have to if you don't want to, but a lot of people like it, hell, even DISNEYFANATIC23 HERSELF, the one who WROTE and DIRECTED the STORY and AUDIO DRAMA of Freakin' "BRIDE OF DISCORD" liked one of my chapters!!!
It's cool, really and I get what you mean. But he did play into Sombra's ego and provide an opening so his fake injury did help.