• Member Since 7th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Artist. Think-About-Original-Characters-er. Bumbling Fool. Known homosexual.


New Chapter · 9:37am May 23rd, 2020

New chapter is up for I Don’t Want To Fall Back In Love With You, my Sombracord story.



Greetings! I'm Jupiter, and if you've found my page, please disregard everything I've written ever, it's not very good. I write for myself and the shadowy figure I see when I take too much Benadryl. I'm more of an artist, my commission info is (allegedly) somewhere further up this page. If you're looking for that, you've scrolled too far. If you're looking for some basic information about me as a person, you're in the right place!

♡Age: Under the legal age of majority where I live.
♡Gender: Vaguely-masculine-girl-in-a-boy-way-gender-whatever-transsexual. The short answer is that my pronouns are they/them.
♡Sexuality: Bisexual
♡Favorite Musician: Emilie Autumn
♡Other Interests: Vocaloid, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, 19th century literature, and self-destruction
♡Social Media: @starprince-art on tumblr

Comments ( 57 )
  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57

have a follow!

I want to talk to you in PM

Thanks for the favorite!

Comment posted by The Devious Writer deleted Apr 15th, 2020

Thanks for the fav

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