When Apple Bloom goes missing, Applejack desperately searches for her missing sister. She finds Apple Bloom trapped inside a well. But what she pulls out may not be her sister at all.
A certain alien has been living in Ponyville for a long time. A really long time. Seriously, how is it no pony has ever noticed this before? The guy's an alien in a pony costume. He can't possibly...oh wait.
The WellWhen Apple Bloom goes missing, Applejack desperately searches for her missing sister. She finds Apple Bloom trapped inside a well. But what she pulls out may not be her sister at all.by BlueColton
2,690 words
· 588 · 6
To Chase the SunburstStarlight Glimmer is lost, her soul an empty void. Perhaps a friend can bring her back to the light.by BlueColton
4,265 words
· 41 · 3
Only I KnowFluttershy can talk to animals. It's what she does. It's who she is.by BlueColton
3,161 words
· 64 · 1
Stories I WISH I'd written
To Be RememberedThe world is vast and so is time, but not even that can hide the existence of an ancient city forever.by MrSpartan
9,542 words
· 892 · 20
NIGEBNigeb. Go back. Go back. Nigeb. *Judge's top choice in Equestria Daily's 2012 Nightmare Night contest*by Aquaman
9,777 words
· 361 · 19
Always FaithfulIt was called a Rage of Dragons, and one the Dragon King leads them all.by BlueColton
1,975 words
· 25 · 2
Do You Want to Hear a Scary Story?Meet Scootaloo. She wants to tell you a story. Ignore that chill down your spine. It's not you or her. It's him.by BlueColton
5,673 words
· 94 · 2
Dark FrostOne day, the night did last foreverby BlueColton
22,391 words
· 13 · 1
alright, never put cockroaches in mlp, thank you for the nightmares! As plankton says "See you all in therapy!"
You're welcome, friend-a-doodle 😇💖
Have a cookie 🍪
I feel so much better. Thank you.
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
You're very welcome, friend. I'm full of fun facts, mostly movies, lol 🤓
Always remember that fact, my pone pal.