• Member Since 15th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm a proud brony who reads stuff for a living. I also write darkfics & family-friendly stuff every-so-often. All I can say is, if you plan to read any of my content, happy horrors ;)

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Reborn is getting a redux · 8:31pm Aug 6th, 2023

Hello! I apologize for inactivity, but, I'll be absolutely honest, I have taken steps away from just pony content. I've found new interests and am putting attention there for the sake for expanding my horizons, but that doesn’t mean I've left pony. I'm still a proud brony and always will be, just have found more than one interest.

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Report Sparrow9642 · 307 views ·
Comments ( 132 )
  • Viewing 128 - 132 of 132

Sparrow 96 42 thanks for making the awesome fanfics. Have no idea how to post my own tho

I just listened to your audio reading of "Conflicts Between Dusk and Twilight". Although you did a great job with it, I have to say the pauses between the dialogue tags and the actual dialogue was a little distracting. Maybe bring them a little closer in your future readings? Hope this doesn't discourage you. Happy Thursday!

I will be sure to leave feedback whenever I get to reading the entire thing!

Thank you very much for checking out my Apparition Amphitheater story "Strange Presence Near the Woods". I hope you enjoy it, that you perhaps share your thoughts on the story when you finish reading, and perhaps check out some of my other stories too!

  • Viewing 128 - 132 of 132
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