• Member Since 9th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Married, Recetly became a Brony

Comments ( 92 )
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Thanks for the follow! :yay:

I am working on a story of my own, though still not complete. I hope to post it on her if possible??? If not? I will just hav the printed copy on-hand Hopefully in my personal Library.

Thank you for writing these stories. Will be waiting for the other (Incomplete) stories that you hav on here. Please continue making Grat stories.

Thanks for the watch

I hope you enjoy Fallout: Equestria - Dead Tree !

Feel free to join me and it's community on Discord ; come bug me if you wish I encourage it.

If you find a grammar or other mistake, mention it in the comments and I will fix it or address it immediately.
Leave a comment on your thoughts and I'll shoot you one back too ;)

I hope you enjoy it enough to leave me an upvote because that is how FiM determines if more people see it (Yes, just like YouTube; Likes are the lifeblood of authors).

Thank you again,

Hi, why the Very Honey I Shrank the kids pony avatar?

  • Viewing 88 - 92 of 92
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