• Member Since 17th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Lifelong Nerd. Lifelong practical Catholic and firm believer that an egg is an egg. Amateur fanfiction auteur elsewhere and maker of YouTube videos.

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Ah, gotcha. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity. :raritywink:

It's something G.K. Chesterton says in his book on St. Thomas Aquinas. He basically boiled down Aquinas' philosophy to “the universal common conviction that eggs are eggs.” That just means that everything is what you can know it is by the power of your senses.

Curious: what do you mean by "an egg is an egg"?

He was definitely inspired by him. I've been following him for a few years now and I think he's a very enjoyable critic. He's just among the list of obscure reviewers I like such as the Cartoon Hero, the Hardcore Kid, and Kyle Norty (who I all recommend you check out if you ever get the chance).

2106641 Well, I finally saw this. He certainly does have a much, much less positive view of Descendants than I did, but his points are mostly salient. I disagree though that the songs are not catchy; I thought they were. I do believe he was mistaken to expect Descendants to be a deconstruction of Disney fairy tale films. It never struck me as a deconstruction, and I never expected it to be such. I think he keeps running into problems because he's thinking too hard about it. This isn't something you need to think too hard about. Though I agree fully that it was meant to appeal to preteens and to compete with Ever After High. Whoever this guy is though, he does remind me a lot of the Nostalgia Critic.

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Guess who's back... · 4:40am Dec 15th, 2018

Guess who's back, back again
Marius’ back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back?

Now this looks like the time for me
So everybody just follow me
'Cause we need My Little Pony fics I see
'Cause it feels so empty without me

I doubt anyone really felt empty without my presence here, but either way I’m back.

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