Guess who's back... · 4:40am Dec 15th, 2018
Guess who's back, back again
Marius’ back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back?
Now this looks like the time for me
So everybody just follow me
'Cause we need My Little Pony fics I see
'Cause it feels so empty without me
I doubt anyone really felt empty without my presence here, but either way I’m back.
I have returned from a rather prolonged absence, but nonetheless, I come bearing a story.
As you may have noticed, I just uploaded my brand new story:
The Wrath of Ahuizotl!
The first book of The Daring Don’t Saga… Hopefully.
Long time followers of my blog may recognize this as the story I’ve been teasing for many years now. I originally intended to finish the whole thing before I started posting it a chapter per week. However, I’ve taken so long on this, and MLP is possibly entering its final season. I figure if I just start posting what I have and enough people like, it will be the proper motivation for me to finally finish the gosh dang thing. Or the anxiety of putting out something that I end up leaving unfinished will destroy me. Let’s see which one it is.
Procrastinating even on getting this out has made this kind of an early Christmas present. I promised myself I’d get something out by the end of this year, and I managed that at least.
So, I hope you all enjoy my new fanfiction. I’ll try to upload a chapter once a week as long as I have ones that are already prepared. I’m still hoping to find an editor to help me edit some parts I’ve written that haven’t been edited. If any of your are interested, let me know. Otherwise, like, favorite, and leave a good comment. All those nice things.
God bless you all. God bless America. And God bless Equestria.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Aye mizzed u, bb
Welcome back.
Welcome back! I'll definitely be checking out this new story of yours!
You better.