• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen December 2nd

Krass McWriter

And thou camith down Krass who holdth the commandments, he pointed out thou sinners who had broketh thy rule and he broughth down his ban hammer to bare. and all was good. -ArchangelDoom

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Thank you for the comment! I don't check in here often but it's nice to see my work hasn't been completely forgotten

Just wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful entertainment. You have made a few days of my life better

Krass McWriter are you going to do any future azure future storys?


lmao yeah but I'm finally trying to finish Moving On so I can deuce out of this shit hole with a clear conscience.

  • Viewing 66 - 70 of 70
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Wanna read what we've been writing? · 4:11am April 7th

So hey, what's up, been a while. We've been busy the last few years, maxing an Iron on Old School Runescape, making a PNGtuber for myself, and general life, but as of about a 13 or so months ago, we've been writing again! Unlike our time here, we're mostly doing kink stuff now for a setting called Human Domestication Guide.

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