• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 24th, 2024



Gaiden, aka, Embracing the Sidestory · 3:52am Oct 22nd, 2015

It has been a rather long time since I posted to this blog, but I wanted to give a little update on a mild expansion I was contemplating for Bridging Ages. And that is using side-story chapters to better flesh out the world, and be able to get some ideas out without having to commit to my usual long-distance-run style of writing.

Hopefully this can bear out some good fruit, and let me explore the ancillary characters in a full light, or give main characters a nice new perspective.

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Comments ( 9 )
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is that a Touhou avatar I see

Thanks for favoriting Celestia in Excelsis!:twilightsmile:

No prob, I'm really digging how you've constructed the alt-verse

Thank you for favoring A minor Variation:twilightsmile:

Hello sir / madam,
I wished to tell you that your story, while riddled with spelling errors and left-out words is exquisite. I also wished to say that this is one of perhaps 6 stories that has successfully brought me to tears and I'm only on chapter 15 (sorry, I only started yesterday). Your emotional content is on par with Chatoyance and Pen Stroke, quite the quality indeed. I also believe your story is HORRIBLY underrated for being what it is. I have no idea why so many seem to dislike it but I gave it a 'thumb up' for sure. I look forward to finishing the first one and moving on to the second, then the third.

If you feel so inclined, I wouldn't mind a comment on my own story, but that's only if you have the time. If you do, the first of the three stories in the series is 'The Vagabond' it's on Fimfiction, posted by my bud Trooper. If you don't have time, that's cool.


p.s. send me a P.M. if you want to talk sometime. I talk regularly with several authors and readers over text or call. (as long as you are within the continental U.S.)

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9

is that a Touhou avatar I see

Thanks for favoriting Celestia in Excelsis!:twilightsmile:

No prob, I'm really digging how you've constructed the alt-verse

Thank you for favoring A minor Variation:twilightsmile:

Hello sir / madam,
I wished to tell you that your story, while riddled with spelling errors and left-out words is exquisite. I also wished to say that this is one of perhaps 6 stories that has successfully brought me to tears and I'm only on chapter 15 (sorry, I only started yesterday). Your emotional content is on par with Chatoyance and Pen Stroke, quite the quality indeed. I also believe your story is HORRIBLY underrated for being what it is. I have no idea why so many seem to dislike it but I gave it a 'thumb up' for sure. I look forward to finishing the first one and moving on to the second, then the third.

If you feel so inclined, I wouldn't mind a comment on my own story, but that's only if you have the time. If you do, the first of the three stories in the series is 'The Vagabond' it's on Fimfiction, posted by my bud Trooper. If you don't have time, that's cool.


p.s. send me a P.M. if you want to talk sometime. I talk regularly with several authors and readers over text or call. (as long as you are within the continental U.S.)

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