Yes, friends! Another hideous left-wing anti-fascist, anti-capitalist has arrived!
I am a bisexual firearms-owner who steadfastly believes that everyone should be allowed to use as many recreational substances as they deem necessary. It's not hard to figure out.
I have a moderate level of Civic Literacy. I use multiple news aggregators to keep myself informed, but I abhor right-wing news rags like Breitbart.
342593 While we are saying everything we support, I am a classically liberal, anarcho-capitalist, whom is christian, but get's why one would be atheist or agnostic, and also refuses to take side on the abortion debate.
All yáll seen this?
409942 *Trump! remember, you've gotta call people the name that they identify with, or else you're a bigot!
That's quite all right: you gave us Donald J. Drumpf - all is forgiven for the next 200 years.
Technically he's an orange male tho.
409922 You're right! I'm not oppressed, instead i was born oppressive, racist and sexist!
Yeah, cisgender WASP white males are so oppressed these days, and, um, uh, er, stuff.
Hot diggety damn am I ready to be criticized for being a middle class, moderate conservative Christian white male
I wonder how much fun this group had with the season 5 premiere.
political neutral (personal believes Transhuman)
revolutionary left in the house
Yes, friends! Another hideous left-wing anti-fascist, anti-capitalist has arrived!
I am a bisexual firearms-owner who steadfastly believes that everyone should be allowed to use as many recreational substances as they deem necessary. It's not hard to figure out.
I have a moderate level of Civic Literacy. I use multiple news aggregators to keep myself informed, but I abhor right-wing news rags like Breitbart.
I'm going like this goup alot.
Thank you very much for making this group!
I have arrived.
342596 Well then do I have a facebook page for you!
342593 While we are saying everything we support, I am a classically liberal, anarcho-capitalist, whom is christian, but get's why one would be atheist or agnostic, and also refuses to take side on the abortion debate.
Oh, I see.
342592 as opposed to command economy socialism
... capitalistic, socialist?
Hi everypony! I'm a a heterosexual feminist pro-choice pro-LGBTQ hippie Christian pacifistic capitalistic socialist.