• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Saturday


Hello. I'm BillyColt. In real life, I'm a dweeby music student from California. Here, I write Pony fanfiction.http://billycolt.tumblr.com/


Preview Cuddles · 5:23pm Feb 4th, 2017

So my writing schedules got a little jumbled because I just got a full-time job. Still adjusting to it and the umpteen music things I have going on at the same time. However, I do have a preview for the next chapter of "The Book of Friendship," one that I think might help to clarify for some of you if the ending of the last chapter was a little unclear.


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Comments ( 36 )
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I'm glad to see you still going my friend

Aww, that's very sweet of you. Thank you!

I just want to say... you'e been at the game as long as I have, and haven't given up. We BOTH started a fanfic five years ago, and we're still at it, and not giving up. Thank you dude. *hugs* Nice to know you're not alone.

You might want to submit a correction, then. Right now the page only links to Krass's stories and not yours; and since it names you as the author, people might be confused into thinking that you're the same person and that you're some kind of violent lunatic.


I wrote the first story. Krass wrote the others. It originated in a chan thread in which Krass asked for someone to write a bedtime story, and I figured "Alright, I'll give it a shot." It went over pretty well, so it was decided that it'd be submitted to the site. Krass wrote follow-ups in the same mold.

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