• Member Since 19th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen July 14th

The Rainbow Blunderbolt


hey it's ya boi uhhhhh · 6:29am Feb 27th, 2019


So, it's been a hot minute, right?

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Report The Rainbow Blunderbolt · 529 views · Story: Close The Case · #yeet

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Comments ( 65 )
  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65

Thank you for the Fav on For Whom The Belle Tolls! Would you mind telling me what you thought of it? Also I loved Shutting the Blinds!

Hi there Bolt, I was re-reading Shut the Blinds today and I fell in love with the story all over again. I started to read the sequel when I noticed the date on the last chapter posted was kind of sad that you haven't continued it.

Hey bud, just writing to say that I really enjoy your work, and was wondering if you intend to continue it? I know it can be hard as hell to keep writing stuff, I'm way behind on a lot of my projects, but I'd be glad to see what ends up happening with Spike ;) Anyway, thanks for writing good stuff!

Comment posted by ButterInHD deleted Jun 27th, 2014
  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65
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