• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 1st, 2014



the rules of the game · 7:53pm Aug 9th, 2013

Okay, so, I know, I know. I'm a wee bit of a troll. Look, these are the rules: I don't do sexy times with foals, and should I write padded ponies, there will be no dark content. The rest of the time it's pretty much fair game, though I'm inclined to stick a dark tag up... as if the "gore" tag doesn't tip people off (that's one tag you can always rely on, folks).

So, I know I've not been very active recently... what do you want more of?

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damn Dashiel, at it again with leaving us ;_;7

Hello, I'm Commander Shepard, and your my favorite author on the Citadel , er... FIMfiction. Seriously, loved Twos Comfortable, Threes a Bit Crowded! It was awesome! :twilightsmile:

wtb more Little Dashie pst

Are you Still Alive?:pinkiesad2:
We need more Dinner and "What she loves most."

Please update soon.


you are a dirty dirty shisno ha ha ha

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