• Member Since 12th May, 2014
  • offline last seen March 1st

Havel The Rock

I am Bishop Havel, servant of Sunlord Gwynn and Protector of Anor Londo. I also may or may not be an aspiring Fimfiction writer who is nagged to this site.


Done, thank Gwynn · 1:00am Jun 24th, 2014

So, a few days ago I set a personal challenge for myself to read 120 Days of Blueblood, and I just finished the last chapter last night. Wow... honestly, it has to be one of the best written stories I've read here, from nothing more than the excellent flow, the manner in which its written, everything was so... I don't know... Professional.

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you cant stop, THE WALL!

Hey Havel I was wondering, do you want to find a rock together?

Thanks for the follow!

following on account of your dark souls

Oh, Dark Souls.

Have you read Fallout: Equestria?

  • Viewing 67 - 71 of 71
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The Real Havel

So yeah, I'm awesome. Do you think its easy lugging armor carved from solid stone? Its not. So yeah, I more awesome that that Rainbow Crash! Anyway, none of these stories are actually mine, Ormstien just used my laptop, but don't give him any credit! The only reason he's a threat is because of that fat cannibal he's always hanging around with, but who cares! This is all about me. I hate magic, and anyone who uses it, and it is my sacred duty to turn every magician into a red paste, that includes Purple Smart! And last but not least, I like Rarity. Nothing bad to say, just that I like her.

Things that make me giggle