• Member Since 15th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen May 2nd, 2018


Fallout: Equestria addict, occasional writer of terribadness, second degree black belt in jiujitsu, gamer for life, hopeless artist (I HAD TO EAT THEM!) and reader of anything I can get my hands on.

Do You Even Main Spy?

My sexy arts have finally yielded something somewhat presentable! YAY


Teh Sneak Peeks! · 6:46am Dec 15th, 2014

Working on a brand new story. Sorry Sam, Awake will have to wait. I've really been hit with an inspirational lightning bolt on this one and my mind is brimming with ideas.

Can't wait to see where we end up on this one, as it'll be my first adventure story to date. I'm also going to make an effort to update this frequently. As if that will ever happen.

Carry on, folks!

Report BronyMaster64 · 510 views ·

Mai Stuffs Hee Hee Ha

A few things about me.

Favorite Pony: Rainbow Dash
"Favorite" Ship: Octascratch
Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Gaming, Working Out
Favorite Games: Halo, Battlefield, Supreme Commander, Command and Conquer, Crackdown, Warframe, Soul Calibur, Fallout, Skyrim, Chromehounds (R.I.P. Chromehounds online play, you were like NOTHING else ;_;)
Favorite Movie: Avatar
Favorite T.V. Show: Game of Thrones
Favorite Anime: Dragonball Z/GT (can't beat dat Frieza fight)
Top 3 Brony Songs: Lullaby for A Princess, Awoken, Rainbow Factory
Top 3 Songs: Hall of Fame, Radioactive, Champion
Favorite Workout Song: Hall of Fame
Favorite Musical Artist: Lindsey Stirling (seriously, she's a goddess of the violin)
Favorite Musical Group: Imagine Dragons
Favorite Written Work: Fallout Equestria
Favorite Written Series: Inheritance Cycle/A Song of Ice and Fire
Favorite Colors: Blue, Purple, Gold
Favorite Possession: Xbox 360/Second Degree Black Belt/Ceremonial Sword
Favorite Types of Stories: Sad, Dark, Tragedy. I also like a good Adventure. However, I enjoy any and ALL stories.

Eh, I'll put more stuff here as I think of it.

Personal Motto: I don't care if I lose, as long I had fun doing it.
Favorite Quote: Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time.

Works of Terribadness

Behold, the glorious friendship between two Warriors of Sunlight!


Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck those fucking things are terrifying

Running tally of the money Harry owes me for using my trademarked expression: $2.50

Comments ( 331 )
  • Viewing 327 - 331 of 331

1599311 lol @ that fuckin stache

1657869 *absorbs soul while cackling*

Well now I'm dead too, I guess. Bleeeehhh

  • Viewing 327 - 331 of 331
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