• Member Since 26th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 30th, 2019


Gone fishing??????

Comments ( 324 )
  • Viewing 305 - 324 of 324

I know this is mega late ^^ But thank you so much for watching me, i'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you continue to!-FE:heart:

1455576 Takes about half a minute to get to another page so I just rage or stare at my plushes

Thanks for the watch!:pinkiehappy:

1455564 and so sorry if I can't reply as soon storm recently went through here and it's affecting my Internet :fluttercry:

1455523 How fast your reply came

1455518 Holy crap you scared me

Thanks for the fave!:pinkiesmile:

Thanks for faving "The Dusk Guard: Rise!" I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Thanks for joining Dha Werda Verda.


1378430 It doesn't matter, it's there for you all to see

1378428 I totally didn't look at your user page....

1378395 It's one of the best

1378279 I see that you've enjoyed the story "Discord's Ant Farm":pinkiecrazy:

1378212 Because turns out I thought I was already following you but I actually wasn't :twilightblush:

  • Viewing 305 - 324 of 324
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