Ponies that follow me for some reason
25 users follow Dura
Dura follows 113 users
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I know this is mega late ^^ But thank you so much for watching me, i'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you continue to!-FE
1455576 Takes about half a minute to get to another page so I just rage or stare at my plushes
Thanks for the watch!
1455573 Thats a bummer
1455564 and so sorry if I can't reply as soon storm recently went through here and it's affecting my Internet
1455559 Oh, okay
1455523 How fast your reply came
1455522 How?
1455518 Holy crap you scared me
Thanks for the fave!
Thanks for faving "The Dusk Guard: Rise!" I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Thanks for joining Dha Werda Verda.
1378476 okay then
1378430 It doesn't matter, it's there for you all to see
1378428 I totally didn't look at your user page....
1378395 It's one of the best
1378279 I see that you've enjoyed the story "Discord's Ant Farm"
1378212 Because turns out I thought I was already following you but I actually wasn't