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What was a quick and easy edit turned into several chapters being rewritten with the exact same content, but worded in a way that matches the latter parts of the story. I will be spending most of my holiday going through the fic and I am praying I can get it up to snuff before the New Year.
THEN I'm going to clean up the early chapters of Unchanging Truths before making it my main project. Lots of cleaning.
That so nice of you to say! I tried to make the problems grounded so readers could relate to them more while figuring out how to get them to work as a pairing.
Trust me. Chrys is not any happier than I am being on the backburner for so long.
Electo swing was an amazing story and has also become one of my favorite music genres. I heard you were going back to that story and immediately binged it. Your characters are very flush and have very nice hang ups(believing an alternative to reality rather than "just doesn't get it"). Also it's hard to find realistic difficulties in a romance that are taken seriously. I really vibes with vinyl having problems with Fancy's money(vice versa with fancy and age).
Also hurry up with truths(jk(plz(not jk))). The readers have known that AJ and Chys are meant for each other, but it stops right before they start to figure it out
I'm bad at math. It's very hard and it goes into everything. I do respect it though. If you ever meet a mathematician and ask them what their favorite number is, it's so cool seeing how passionate they get over something I barely grasp.
Anyway, thanks for the favorite on Unchanging Truths. I'll get back to it once I'm done editing Electro Swing.
Like my personality, distracted and math based.
Phff. I'll admit you gave me a good laugh when I finally understood your nickname. You're nicknamed Sidetrack because your profile picture is veering off on tangents!