The United Equestrian Alliance 44 members · 3 stories


United Equestria is a group against the idea of the Lunar Republic and Solar Empire in the canonical Universe of my little pony!

We go against rivalry between the two sisters - they are best friends who rule Equestria together, not two rivals fighting for power! So come, join us! And help us eradicate the idea of the Lunar Republic and Solar Empire which really never would happen in Equestria! If you have any complaints or suggestions, feel free to tell us!


The forum is a place for socializing and discussing topics you want to discuss, but we do have a few rules so that things do not get out of control.

1. (The saddest rule of them all) RPing is banned, and we do not want to get banned, so we are not allowed to RP, though we may complain about this.
2. No NSFW (Not Safe For Woona) content please.
3. No advertising, that's for telemarketers.
4. Don't be a ghost, post in the Character Logs, even though it may seem pointless, we may start Ponysquare RPs.
5. Have fun!

But anyway, feel free to post in the forums for general chat topics, etc. We'd like you to enjoy yourselves in this group!


Don't worry, I know RPing has been banned, but there is still a way to do it which isn't on FiMFiction!

Gaia, Google Documents, and Ponysquare are all great ways to RP off-site, and if people are interested, we might start an open document so that people can join!

So let us know if you think we should start a public RP.

Blessed bodies of the Heavens
Sun and Moon of greatest light
Bathe us in your warm embraces
Shield us with your peerless might
Help us to stand firm as mountains
Doing right and shunning wrong
May we find our strength in friendship
Unite our herd as one group strong.

Kindness save our herd from sorrow
Laughter lift us through the day
Honesty shall purge our anger
Generous we'll be in our ways
Loyal to our roots remain us
Day by day the magic swells.
Love and tolerance shall lead us
O'er the seas and hills and dells.

In brotherhood we stand together
In sisterhood may we find grace
The Sun and Moon shall ever guide our
Never ending pony race!
Why should we fear threats of discord
Standing now all here as one?
We shall find our strength in friendship
Herd unite as one group strong

Comments ( 3 )
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In the only current forum post

The Light shines upon the UEA!:rainbowdetermined2:

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