Apologies · 12:28pm Feb 15th, 2015
So I was sick the entire week just the day after I announced the new story...
Well, that's embarrassing.
And now I'm being swamped by work I missed for the foreseeable future... School, y u no let me have free time?
The story I have announced and the update for Bringing Out will be coming one day. I'm not the type to let people down with dead stories. Just hang in there.
Thanks for the fav on The Longest Night.
Thanks for adding Temporary Hiatus to your favorites. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thank you for joining my group "the good prince"
You find a lot of things when you have a lot of time.
Danke for adding A New Dawn to your favorites, may I ask how you found it though? I didn't update it and the groups I added it to seemed dead or too big to notice me.