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Apple Family Last Stand: The Final Battle of the Changeling War Applejack’s journeyed through a world turned upside down by invading Changelings. Equestria seems doomed…until she’s ordered to pick up a special package from Appleloosa. A package can turn the tide and defeat the Changeling hordes by sparks2037 8,540 words · 44 · 3
Time Enough for Sisters (Five Rarities, One Sweetie Belle) Fashion goes fast-forward for Rarity when her four future selves, each carrying a magical time amulet, show up in her studio! But her destiny – and the future for all Equestria for that matter - will be irrevocably changed by what they tell he by sparks2037 7,401 words · 329 · 8
Quadruple Sonic Rainboom - Into Thin Air How far is Rainbow Dash willing to go in order to break her speed record and plunge straight through the heart of her own sonic rainboom? Will sacrifice triumph over foolishness and pony frailty in Rainbow’s dangerous and ill-fated experiment? by sparks2037 8,527 words · 107 · 4
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Yup! I always liked the way that Dreamworks movie did their horses. Shame the movie didn't do better at the box office, we probably won't see a hand-animated film like that again.
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1243115 Alrightly! Give me a sec
1243091 Sure thing, send it over!
1243088 I'm hope it isn't bad. You could take a peek if you want like old times.