• Member Since 18th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Monday


Ah, the mighty bio box. So we meet again. You will rue the day you dared show your blank canvas around these parts! I will--wait, what do you mean you're already exhausted? Don't you dare run out of--

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What just happened? · 5:49am Jul 2nd, 2013

Well, this did, apparently.

I have no idea where this came from. It just popped into my head and I considered it worthwhile enough to jot it down... and then I didn't stop writing.

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Dear WovenWord,

Thank you for playing a game of Chess with me. I'm glad we both had fun, no matter who the winner was, and I hope that we can sit down for another game sometime soon.

~ KR

(Thanks for the fave!)


It was a joke though. Now if you do put my story under there I'm going to feel like a tool.


Oh, wow, I haven't updated that tab in forever :rainbowlaugh:

P.S.: I've PM'd you.

I am wholly offended that my story is not under your "Favorite Incomplete Stories" tab. I thought we had something special, man :raritycry:

I jest. I just wanted to tell you that I greatly appreciate your comments on OHSaHW. Even the soul-crushing critique you gave the last chapter. It inspired me even more to make this my best (and first ever completed) story. I look forward to what you have to say about the new chapter—the one I really should be writing now...

I did have one other thing to say, though. A proposition of sorts. PM me when you read this and I'll tell you the plan that's currently cooking inside my brain.


Thank you for the wonderful story! It's a great character study :twilightsmile:

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