• Member Since 1st Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th


"OH GOD, THEY'RE LAPDANCING ME!" -Steel, 2015 - Aspiring author, artist with absolutely no skill yet a lot of wants, and just your typical, all-around lover of MLP fanfiction. That's me.


The Fumble · 7:23am Feb 29th, 2016

Sorry for going quiet for so long, everybody. Work's still going on the story, but it's slow as life's gotten in the way for a lot of it.

Stay patient, as your favorite psychopath and company will be returning soon!

Report KillerSteel · 560 views · Story: The Fumble · #thefumble; #chapteredits

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Comments ( 246 )
  • Viewing 242 - 246 of 246


I'm sure you do :V. Luv u 2, beetch c:.


Good stuff, good stuff. Carry on being happy!

1190010 I'm fantastically happy :pinkiehappy:


Obliged, matey. I try to seem cool to others in order to lure them into my bush of stalkers.

But seriously. How're you?

  • Viewing 242 - 246 of 246
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