• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2018

The Commander

The barbarians are no longer at the gates, they're in the walls. Our only hope is the resurgence of strong men and strong arms to save the American hegemony and our way of life.


Get Some Fucking Culture Today · 5:47am Sep 27th, 2014

Always wanted to be cultured? Too fucking lazy to not be a piece of shit and pick up a book? Like music? Well good for you.

Get cultured, you non-reading niggas.

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rip in pieces

Comment posted by Wew_Tilde deleted Jun 5th, 2015

Many thanks for the follow, good sir. :twilightsmile:

Could you spare a shekel?

  • Viewing 136 - 140 of 140
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