A Perfectly Good Opportunity to Yell. · 7:00pm May 5th, 2013
Hey there! To you few readers that are keeping up with Gaius, I have a request:
Tell me what I could work on.
Hey there! To you few readers that are keeping up with Gaius, I have a request:
Tell me what I could work on.
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Dammit Zong it's been three years since even the last comment, the original Ninefingers got me into MLP fanfics and even MLP itself. In some weird way I kind of feel like I lost an uncle or something. My 12-15ish year old self loved that story and it honestly changed my life, looking back. Heh... I hope you're doing well, regardless.
Sorry for the speech, I'll leave you to... whatever it is you've been doing. Presumably living. Hopefully.
he's dead, move along.
Glad to see you're somewhat back and about. Hope reality has been treating you well (and that you had a good Christmas and New Year too).
If you still need a prereader/editor for The Tale of Gaius "Ninefinger" I am still more than available to help out. So until later, take care of yourself.
When u gonna update Gaius?