• Member Since 16th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen July 19th



Best birthday present ever! · 6:27am Oct 25th, 2013

My hard drive is gone along with basically everything on it.

That includes a lot of written work, game data, chat logs and archives (and I look over the history of my friendships freaking daily) as well as the final exam notes and school stuff on it a week before the exams actually start.

I have the best fucking timing.

So yeah. I now have an even better excuse to not be on Skype right now. :3

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Comments ( 27 )
  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27

Hi there, thanks for the follow.

*Flops into the wall.*

Thought I'd come post on here because it's been empty for weeks.

I was on your deviant art today to wish you a happy birthday but I found your blog saying you move here so here I am following you here now.

Also again Happy Birthday!!!!:pinkiehappy:

Why is your OC's CM the Euclidean vector space base and a cube? :derpyderp2:

  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27
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