On behalf of the Canterlot University of Electrical Engineering, Princess Celestia sends her star pupil a mysterious contraption she wants her to take for "beta testing".
A mysterious, new invention dubbed the "Xbox 360".
Shenanigans and hilarity will ensue.
Link to TVTropes page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheElementsOfGaming
Link to story on EqD: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/07/story-elements-of-gaming.html
Didn't expect to find this series here, one more to add to my favorites list.
What about Warhammer 40,000, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Brutal Legends, and Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway.
Its here I stopped at gears but
Why no Nintendo games?
Twilight's perfect game.
One of the classics, now in easily accessible form. Awesome
halo: reach
I remember reading some of this ages ago. I also remember enjoying it, but you could use a proofreading pass.
Biggest issue I can see is dialogue punctuation.
That full stop after "Spike" should be a comma.
"Said" should be "said".
Remember: if you follow dialogue with some variation of "said Character", then they're both part of the same sentence, so the dialogue should never end on a full stop (but you can use a question mark or exclamation mark; just don't capitalise "said").
I wrote a whole bunch about this here.
Think I'll read the rest of this story now. It's a fun idea. Thanks for writing it.
Hey, I read the Halo Reach one a while ago, but I didn't know this was a series. This is awesome and its got my favorite. It was a really great read and I'm excited to read more. Is this the original author?
Dame it i want spike to have been the bad ass halo reach player. Anyways still bad ass story you got. I expect great things young one.
what about call of duty: black ops zomies?
Nintendo only have ther games on ther own stations. Not other companies.
I love this story!! To my favorites!!
I'm aware of that. But they should be explored at some point.
*Looks at chapters*
I don't recognise any of this. The only one I have played here is Tetris.
Fun story. Glad it's here. Especially liked the Rock Band chapter.
this was epic!!!
on a unrelated not, cup cakes anypony?
...Fluttershy? Were you that Inheritor that whooped my ass yesterday?
Ahaha, It's here!
Good show sir, good show.
t..the link.... and that player... mind = blown
This is THE best book I've ever read.
Man i remember reading this along time ago, cool to see it up here.
This is beyond awesome. Being an avid gamer and having played at least over half of the games mentioned, I say you did a great job with conveying the Mane 6's reactions. Also and are best ponies.
dude, make another halo, except that they face the flood.
by the way...CUPCAKES!!!
Half-Life 2 Please?
Tiberium wars was such a good addition to the C&C series... I really enjoyed that game.
Though it's a shame Tiberium Twilight had to go and ruin the whole thing...
456283 Yep, it's the original author here, but one of the writers of the team left due to a heavy workload and schedule, so our production is sort of on hiatus right now. I've recently gotten inspiration for an Asura's Wrath chapter, so let's just hope I'll be able to write it without my co-author's help, heh.
457972More nintendo games please?
So... the girly-girls play better than the others...
I kinda want to see some CoD and Bf3, along with the impossible game. The rage would make it so funny!
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (multiplayer)
Left 4 Dead 2
World of Tanks
Portal 2 (multiplayer)
RISK: Factions
That is all.
pinkie pie is just, what the F***, HOW CAN SHE F***ING DO THAT? F***
Triple post
458090 I would write Nintendo games if I had a Nintendo console haha. Sadly, I don't :(
" “Sweet mother o’ mercy...” gawked Applejack, "
LOL Starcraft 2 reference.
This, minus Solitaire.
Oh gee i wonder where the crowbar came from? Anywho another great and funny chapter! I need to hurry up and get back to reading it HAHA!
Hopy Shiquita
Twilight plays Tetris like a boss.
Glad to see this series is now on FIM. That way it'll be easier to track this story.
And now for requests, I have one game that will soooooo fit in this series.
Mario Party. This will test Friendship and could tear it apart easily.
If you need help on this game, check out some videos on Youtube. That could be useful since you apparently don't have any Nintendo Console games, correct?
Pinkie murdering through the fire and flames on expert mode? Not big surprise.
This cahpter had awesome sauce drizzled all over it!
JET!!!!!!!!!!!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU MAN NO homo