Sooooooo............ About that Equestria Girls movie...... · 6:00pm Jul 13th, 2013
So... Just got back from seeing the new Equestria Girls movie(Yeah I watched it, What of it?) and it wasn't actually half bad. I mean, yeah it could have been better but it also could have been worse. So I say unto any bronies/pegasisters who read this that this is not the end of the fandom as we know it. Cool your jets people and chill. 7/10 is what I give it as a brony, 5/10 is what I give it for the average audience that isn't the target or the original target.
Hey RS, hope you have been doing well! Haven't chatted in a while, but life has been bull recently. Feel free to poke me whenever, and we'll catch up/chat about stuff/whatever.
what thats flutter shy
Thank you for favoriting Twilight Turns Into A Red And Black Alicorn!
Green Ranger Fluttershy? That suddenly makes Fluttershy cool... Sweet!
Huh a green power ranger Fluttershy. dang think you could send me a link to where you found that. Heh that used to be my shit as a kid.