• Member Since 18th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 10th, 2023


Creative but trouble with focus, Average writing abilities, Love to Rp, Also don't mind editing stories, PM me for any details.


Progress done so far! · 1:39am Oct 7th, 2019

Hey! Progress is going!. 1k+ on Ch10 with it possibly being the longest chapter yet.

This it folks, the last of the prefab before I go off the rails. Enjoy some fresh content from a more experienced mind than this story started with!!

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Report Deathm0nger · 220 views · Story: Fed The Hand That Chaosed Me ·

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I Rp!

As the title suggests, I do Roleplay, mostly in text based forms via here on the site( slowed responses), Skype( quick responses) and now Discord(fast response). An alternative is by cellphone messages( quick/ fast response).
If you are interested pm me and we can work on the details.

Comments ( 96 )
  • Viewing 92 - 96 of 96

Cool. I will get to it in about 5 hours. Heading into work now.

:rainbowlaugh: okay I'll send you a link in a bit

My Too Sweet a Deal fanfic :moustache: I need all the help I can get :rainbowlaugh:

  • Viewing 92 - 96 of 96
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