• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen April 8th


Sanity? Never had it.


I'm going to Hell · 12:17am Jul 11th, 2014

A big thanks to dekamaster2 For being my six hundredth and sixty sixth favorite.

As for the going to hell part I think I gonna stop by Scream's Ice Cream. Got to love living in Michigan we have the best Hell.

Hell, Michigan, U.S.
Hell, California, U.S.
Hell, Grand Cayman, the Cayman Islands

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Report Bookish_Devil · 802 views · Story: A New Lord of Chaos ·

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Comments ( 26 )
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Edit: Is anyone there?

Is anyone there?

Hey, if you ever read this could you please either put a new lord of chaos as cancelled or continue writing it because I somehow still have hope for such an amazing storie.

I really like your A New Lord of Chaos story I wish I could see it continue man it's one of the few I have been able to re-read if you have grown tired of it I think I speak for many to see if you have or know someone you think could continue it in your place. Though if you do continue I would be glad to see it return if not best of luck with whatever you do in the future.

  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26
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