• Member Since 1st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 25th, 2021

Dusk Stalker

A fan of DMC for 10 years and somehow a writer(Im a meh writer in my opinion) it appears lol. hoping to expand into Game Animation. Have to many dreams to live or try(VAing is one, Highly doubt it)



I almost spaced on this anime · 9:47pm Nov 18th, 2013

And looked all over FimFiction, sad No Cyborg 009 Crossovers.

I can just imagine Jet Link(002) and Rainbow Dash teaming up a bit.
That or 009.

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Comments ( 19 )
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I am.....
Just trying to find some inspiration.

203110 are you still planning to continue your Devil May Cry story?

Hay there! Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for following me! (Heh, how ironic) :raritywink:

Anyways, I hope I can live up to your expectations in the future as well!

Happy holidays, and Cheers!

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