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My Stories
Rise of The Ancient Summoner One purchase and suddenly a new defender is made. The worst part is that his new powers.... has no manual for it. This is going to be a long life. by Hekkar 10,300 words · 200 · 18
The Old Kingdom Tartarus is a prison within the realm of Equestria. Unbeknownst to many though, it holds a secret deep within it's walls. by Hekkar 14,822 words · 59 · 2
The Pony With The Forbidden Magic The Everfree holds more in it's woods then some monsters a rhyming Zebra. by Hekkar 37,937 words · 90 · 13
Stories that I made and hope others enjoy
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//////|\\\\\ Incoming Transmission /////|\\\\\
Greetings Guardian. The Vanguard Scribes have notified me of your recent addition of Transmission HD–007262020 to your personal archive. Your dedication to staying up to date on all Guardian Field Activity is commendable. Keep up the good work and Light be with you.
– Commander Zavala
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