• Member Since 4th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Brony, Gamer, Roleplayer. I am also a Jackal who is skilled in Alchemy, Black Magic, Voodoo Powers, and Necromancy :3

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Update · 10:53am Jul 20th, 2015

Just like to say, I will update my stories when I can and when I want. All you need is patience..... a lot of patience with how real life is with me.

Report Hekkar · 464 views ·
Comments ( 115 )
  • Viewing 111 - 115 of 115

Thanks for adding 'Are you sure you want to do that?' to your favourites!

Thanks for adding “Scarfaced Stallion” as favorite. :pinkiehappy:

//////|\\\\\ Incoming Transmission /////|\\\\\ 

Greetings Guardian. The Vanguard Scribes have notified me of your recent addition of Transmission HD–007262020  to your personal archive. Your dedication to staying up to date on all Guardian Field Activity is commendable. Keep up the good work and Light be with you.

– Commander Zavala

(Thanks for taking interest in the story! Hope you're enjoying it!)

Thanks for the favorite on Sombra's Recovery!

  • Viewing 111 - 115 of 115
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