• Member Since 10th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Der Kaiser

It is human nature to seek culpability in a time of tragedy. It is a sign of strength to cry out against fate, rather than to bow one's head and succumb. --Gabriel Angelos


Iron Hearts Saga

Comments ( 82 )
  • Viewing 78 - 82 of 82

Thanks for the addition of my story to your "on hiatus" list! I figured that I'd let you know that the story is still being developed. Thanks!

Ty for the faves:twilightsmile:

Thanks for Favoriting Bizarro Am Not In Equestria. I'm glad you liked reading it.

Thank you for favouring 'The Legend of Broly' :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for adding THE EMPEROR COMES BITCHES!!! to your favorites! :)

  • Viewing 78 - 82 of 82
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