• Member Since 29th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Ebony Stallion

Hello, my name is Ebony Stallion. I am new to this site. I am not what you call a brony per se...but I am greatly interested in the MLP stories nowadays. I hope to make a mark here.

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Regarding my stories · 5:56am Jan 30th, 2020

Hey, everyone... it's your pal, Ebony Stallion.

I know it has been a long, LONG time since we have seen each other. I bet so little of you remember me. The only noteworthy thing I have done really is on this site is make a not half bad smutfic starring a OC Couple from an artist who isn't into MLP anymore (we miss you, kilala97).

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Report Ebony Stallion · 500 views · Story: Like A Virgin ·
Comments ( 50 )
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I wrote a smut chapter called Dinner, I know your good at writing smut and if you could check it out please give me some useful feedback!

ohhh, alright. thats fine, i just hope you get to make that mark on here some day!

I don't know if I will. Sorry.

will you ever return? I love your story, please continue!

Kilala97 or as she's known now, Kilalaaa. If you've been around the fanart circle, you should know who she is. This pic was actually a cover art for a story I did of her two characters, Prism Bolt and Whirlwind, that she decided to make for me. I decided to use it as my icon because some troll was being an asshole, having bashed my old pic (which wasn't all that great in retrospect).

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