• Member Since 11th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen June 17th


Hi, I'm Xhoral. I attempt to write stories. Wish me luck!

A list of things, since everyone else does one. Suggestions welcomed!

X -50 followers
-500+ followers
X - Publish a story
X - Finish a story
- Get a story featured
- Get two stories featured at once
X - Get 300 story views
X - Get 500 story views
X - Get 1000 story views
- Get 5000 story views
- 10k+ story views.
X - Publish something in a group
- Publish something that becomes a very popular thing
X- Make a list
X - Make a story that someone favorites.
X- Help someone edit their story.
- Do a collab with somebody


A PSA about the animator, 2Snacks. · 1:09pm Nov 4th, 2016

Report Xhoral1865 · 428 views ·

This is me.

- I'm a 20 year old guy.
- I am a Senior at Chico High School.
- Graduated as of 6-6-14
- I'm one of those people who is introverted, but can become very outgoing with my friends.
- I am very polite, but I treat people how they treat me. If they don't respect me, why should I respect them?
- I like to read any type of fiction, but non-fiction bores me to tears.
- I play League of Legends, so if you are a Summoner on the NA server send a friend request to WorstPirateNA.
- I have a DeviantArt now, because DeviantArt is cool: Xhoral's DevArt
- Luna is best Princess
- Trixie is best pony.
- Twilight is best ManeSix.
- SweetieBot Sweetie Belle is best CMC.
- If you have questions for me, ask me.
- I also have Skype: Xhoral1865 Fuck Skype, I have a Discord: Zoral
- Steam: Zorl1865
- I edit things.
- So far I've written 12,037 words.

Here's some stuff that I've written. Enjoy!

Comments ( 85 )
  • Viewing 76 - 85 of 85

Thanks for the watch, encouragement, and support.:pinkiehappy:

No, but I know who Blackjack is. I'm just confused by the random post.

I like the Birthday-verse, so great!

Thank you very much for the follow!

1841540 you are elusive's friend, and that makes you my friend.

Can I ask why I get a follow?

Oh, hey, Skype friend! You're now my fimfiction friend, too! :heart:
And thanks for considering reading my new story~

And sorry about before, both of you. I guess I'm getting a bad habit of responding to peole instead of just straight-up commenting. D:

  • Viewing 76 - 85 of 85
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