• Member Since 14th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 23rd, 2021


Not quite sure what to put here. MIT student who likes writing. Yeah. Oh, and thanks to kittyhasnosoul for the cover.

So, might as well write a little more about myself.

Frankly, I never thought that writing could be this much fun. When I put pencil to paper or open up my word processor, it feels as if some primal desire in me is awakened, and I feel the overwhelming urge to convey my thoughts into stories.

I'm 19 years old, studying Computer Science and Engineering at MIT, and I pretty much write whenever I have free time. (I wonder if I should probably get a life soon, but... meh.)

So yeah, have fun reading my work and feel free to leave some feedback!


First Follower Appreciation Day · 4:35am May 5th, 2015

Hey guys! It feels like forever since I've actually done anything on this site. I've had so much other work to do that I haven't had much time to update anything, and for that I apologize. I know how many people are still waiting patiently for me to continue my stories, and I appreciate that. And speaking about appreciation, as the title suggests, I have noticed that today is First Follower Appreciation Day (although I should say yesterday since it's 12:35 AM here), so I am here to thank

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Report contodaslasganas · 480 views ·

Comments ( 157 )
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2006679 I've been alright.


2004913 Oh, hey! :twilightsmile:
Man, I haven't done anything on here in a while. Hopefully that'll change when I start NaNoWriMo. How are you doing?

Just wandering through the interwebs, thought I'd drop by to say hi.

  • Viewing 153 - 157 of 157
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