• Member Since 21st Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 9th, 2022

Doctah WAAwee

Why hello there...


Fulfill my Destiny. · 10:50pm Jun 17th, 2015

Hue hue hue, I made a funny.

But beside that. I know I haven't been very constant lately. I lacked inspiration and College kinda stunted that as well.

I don't know about the other stories on the back burner, but the one I'm working on now is finally done with it's christening chapter, and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it.

Y'all have fun now, and if you want to know what the story is about, refer to the funny above.

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Comments ( 86 )
  • Viewing 82 - 86 of 86

I read one of your fics and I just have to say, the head preserving juice from Futurama needs to be invented now.

1853595 Well, now you have a definite 'no, it's not over yet.'

1853096 .... that doesn't sound reassuring

your story writing days over?

  • Viewing 82 - 86 of 86
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I Feel Honored.

My baby...has grown up so much. What started out as a joke, ended up with the change of bother the banner and icon of HiE to change... I feel so happy.