• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2023


Officially hibernating. zzzzzz

Stories By Two Happy Derps

To-Do List By: Derpy 2

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Dear Everyone · 11:58pm Oct 6th, 2014

This account will be dormant for some time.
Bye, guys.
Officially hibernating,
-Derpy 1 & 2

Report Derpyx0 · 506 views ·

Predictions For EQG: 2 A.K.A Rambling · 11:50pm Aug 27th, 2014

So, these three... things. Harpes? Mermaids? Sea ponies? Anything but a pony. So, these creatures get banned from Equestria, probably by Celestia for disrupting the harmony. They need Equestrian magic to grow strong, but instead they are feeding off of humans and meanwhile turning them... evil? Bad? Argumentative? I'm not really sure what to put here. This could be a reason for why none of the humans cared about the demon and the explosion. They were too busy fighting.

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Report Derpyx0 · 384 views ·

100th Blog Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! · 12:15am Jun 9th, 2014

Yay! 100th blog post! This one is going to be packed full of stuff, so listen up, my children!

Derpy 2's updates/random stuff:
1. If this link works, you can check out mine and Derpy 1's 50 follower special story, 50 laps! If it doesn't, that means we haven't had enough time to get together to work on it.

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Report Derpyx0 · 448 views ·
Comments ( 154 )
  • Viewing 150 - 154 of 154

OwO I see best pony!

Been awhile
Hope you're ok:eeyup:

1401935 God, I love you so much right now. Have a Derpy. :derpytongue2::heart:


Thank you much
For the Watch :heart:

Now I'll never be late for anything again. :pinkiesmile:

  • Viewing 150 - 154 of 154
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You Really Came Down To The Bottom Of This Page?

You must be really bored. Like, really really bored. Whatever, stay a while! Have a cup of tea!

What? No, I did not put poison in it! This time...

Sorry about that! Here, have a muffin! So, hey, I'm Derpy 2, and my friend here is Derpy 1. Together, we are Derpyx2! We love chinchillas, muffins, and cinnamon buns. Oh, and unicorns are our God. I (Derpy 2) love YouTube, writing, and directing. Oh, and cinnamon buns. And did I mention chinchillas? No? Well, I love chinchillas!

Derpy 2's Bio:
Blah blah blah boring life stuff that you should care less about... Unless I give you my phone number, you do not need to know where I live! Jesus, people! This is the Internet! Whatever. I like Minecraft, Rarity, cosplay, cons, Octavia, and chinchillas. Did I say cinnamon buns? You should love cinnamon buns, too!