• Member Since 20th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 3rd, 2023

Pinkamina vs Butchershy

Born 8/27/98 it has always been my dream to be a writer, I saw MLP in 2010 but became a brony in 2013 after seeing The Ticket Master ps. just so you know Im male and suck at spelling : D

My bio

My real name is James Franklin Brown. I have three loves in this world: Weapons, Videogames and, ponies.

I am male and my favorite ponies in order are

1.Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy (it's a tie.)
2.Pinkie Pie
4.Twilight Sparkle

I'm not usually into romance but I have my exceptions.

My favorite stories so far are down bellow.

So far the friends I've made on here are: The GnPSB, Nightmare.

My mane hobby (pun intended) is gaming on my old PS2.

I recently graduated.

I currently own a small pickup truck.

I am probably one of the most well known kids in school and I have the personality of Pinkie's hyperness, Applejack's stubbornness, Dash's impatience and, Twilights intelligence all rolled into one. (Usually that is.)

Hope you enjoy my stories and must reads bye for now. And last but not least, "Stay brony my friends."

P.S. My favorite types of fanfics are vampire based and ones like Rainbow factory and Cupcakes.

To do list
[x] Get a follower
[x] 5 followers
[x] 10 followers
[x] 20 followers
[x] 25 followers
[x] 50 followers
[] 100+ followers
[x]Make friends (Thanks for being there when I needed a friend Harry.)
[] Make a successful story
[] Bronify a friend
[x] Start a group
[] Find a way to Equestria (One day...)

Comments ( 125 )
  • Viewing 121 - 125 of 125

I don't know how I missed this but... where are all your stories dude?

It was a wonderfully written story!

Glad you liked the Well

  • Viewing 121 - 125 of 125
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  • 343 weeks
    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas, my little inmates!

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