Lord Tirek 302 members · 209 stories

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You forgot to check yourselves, and now you've gone and T'reked yourselves.-moviemaster8510

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I've been thinking about it.
Why don't you make a Celestia x Tirek fic? Or Tirek x Chrysalis.
They spent so much time together that they would make a good ship with the latter.

384600 It was a brilliant story, a whole new take on the poor... whatever-he-is.

383757 World of Traitors, eh? Yeah, the most character given to Tirek yet. I can make use of that concept, of what he did to Discord not being betrayal, but karma.

Easily the most evil villain that the ponies ever faced.

Merciless, ruthless, powerful, and above all, he was the most torn form of evil; betrayed by your own blood. I would have become that evil as well.

We hope you return Lord Tirek, you will never be forgotten, nor with the betrayal you suffered.

The grand daddy of all mlp villians. Still a badass even in your old age ain't ya Tirek. Though that grey hair is starting to show.

Comment posted by Great Noun Plural deleted Feb 24th, 2015

Thanks for the song moviemaster

Oh god, is that what he looks like? Not nearly as threatening as I thought he would be. I thought he would look like Xenagos, God of Revels. Or at least Xenagos when he was a planeswalker. Or hell, even a fanatic of Xenagos would be cooler and more threatening than this guy!

Tirek, the original MLP villain.

READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.TOMMOROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW YOUVE STARTED READING THIS. DONT STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1. say your name ten times. 2. say your moms name five times. See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See more See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See more See More See More See more See more See more See more See more See More See more See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See More See more See More 3. say your crushes three times 4. paste this to four other groups. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday. But if you read this and do not paste this, then you will have very bad luck. SEND THIS TO 5 GROUPS IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOURE DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHS NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS ON THE SCREEN. THIS IS SO FREAKY BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY works.

There should be Tirek's tag.

Now that is what I call a bad guy. :rainbowwild:

You forgot to check yourselves, and now you've gone and T'reked yourselves.

Please help me make this a thing.

I have a Tirek story getting started, but the thing is, I am really busy with 2 other stories, and I don't have Time for a third. Does anypony want it.

Basically it is A cult for Tirek and they help him get set free. They are his eternal servants. Also, Tirek must win. You can include any blah blah stuff, but no. Romance. Also I believe that Chrysalis and Changelings should be allies with him. Those are my only preferences.:twilightsmile:


Welcome, we sell Tirek fanfics and Tirek accessories.

360649 hmm yeah but I think Tirek and Grogar are most likely to be revamped just because of how powerful they were and because its easy to rewrite there background to suit the current generation


I'm still waiting for Lord Smooze to become cannon.

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