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Legendary Works
Bug in the Rosebush Pharynx is sent to Ponyville, what could go wrong? by Snowliasion 1,891 words · 58 · 4
Unchanging Love With the advent of the Canterlot wedding, change is coming. Sweet Leaf is an undercover changeling love collector, wife, and co-owner to the Sweet Roast Cafe, she can only hope that change is kind. by Azure Notion 23,717 words · 730 · 7
The One Who Got Away Equestria’s newest baron has just discovered that his new barony is entirely underwater, his new castle is a broken-down old riverboat, and his new subjects are… seaponies. Welcome to the Barony of Fen. by Georg 22,462 words · 1,985 · 25
Never Dream How far would you chase a dream? Even if that dream wasn't your own? Sequel to Never Wish. by Ximer 161,365 words · 247 · 13
We are our Habits Nurse Redheart pulls a Pegasus back from death's grip. Only time will tell what your future holds. by Agarwaen 63,297 words · 598 · 20
These; these stories are the reason God made man. He made us, so that we could make great works of our own.
My Works
The Fate of The Warchief When his enemies are at the gates, an overwhelmed Garrosh Hellscream ends up miraculously surviving to fight another day through the efforts of his loyal subordinates, but can he muster the courage to confront the new existence life has dealt him? by The Blessed One 117,842 words · 141 · 24
Hey man, remember me? Maybe not, my previous account was "RedeemerofDark" I was the guy who wrote that triple crossover you said "Dear god why would you do that as your first story"? I just wanted to say that a lot has happened back then and sadly I no longer have access to that account but I think I see that as a good thing since despite my initial connections I appreciate the fresh start. I just wanted to personally thank you for being one of the few nice comments on that story and wanted to say that I'd love to get in touch and talk about things if you'd be up for it. Regardless of what you decide I hope you have a good day.
Thankie for the fav on Not Too Fast, Mr. Griff!
Not my usual task on this site, but I had been willing to speak on the subject until I read your full original post. I say "had been willing," because I share the stance you have almost 100% on the ship you were speaking on. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to contribute anything to the debate that you haven't already done in a single post.
This is something I posted on the Straight Shipping group:
There’s Something I’d Like to Express to You All...
I was wondering if I could have some feedback from you on it.